Enterprise and Business Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 2 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Wednesday, 4 February 2015




Meeting time:

09.15 - 11.56




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


William Graham AM (Chair)

Mick Antoniw AM

Jeff Cuthbert AM

Byron Davies AM

Keith Davies AM

Dafydd Elis-Thomas AM

Rhun ap Iorwerth AM

Eluned Parrott AM

Gwenda Thomas AM

Joyce Watson AM








Professor Stuart Cole, Wales Transport Research Centre, University of Glamorgan Business School

Edwina Hart AM, The Minister for Economy, Science and Transport, The Minister for Economy, Science and Transport

James Price, Welsh Government






Committee Staff:


Marc Wyn Jones (Clerk)

Rachel Jones (Deputy Clerk)

Andrew Minnis (Researcher)

Anne Thomas (Researcher)





1    Co-investment in Skills Inquiry - Scoping Paper (in private)

1.1 The Committee agreed the Terms of Reference for the Inquiry.




2    Introductions, apologies and substitutions

2.1 There were no apologies or substitutions.




3    Wales and Borders Rail Franchise Follow-up Scrutiny

3.1 The Committee took evidence from Stuart Cole.




4    Wales and Borders Rail Franchise Follow-up Scrutiny

4.1 The Committee scrutinised the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport.


4.2 The Minister agreed to provide the following:

·         Information on delivery of smart / integrated ticketing in Wales;

·         Information on the approach planned to ensure Welsh rail complies with Persons of Reduced Mobility – Technical Specification for Interoperability (PRM-TSI), and with the Equality Act 2010;

·         Information on proposals for rolling stock by summer 2015, and detailed proposals by Christmas 2015.


4.3 The Committee agreed to keep the issue under review.




5    Papers to note




5.1  The future of the Wales and Borders Rail Franchise - Submissions from Porterbrook and Angel Trains

5.1.1 The paper was noted by the Committee.




5.2  Letter from Minister for Economy, Science and Transport to William Graham regarding Trade and Inward Investment

5.2.1 The paper was noted by the Committee.
